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Hi there Gorgeous!!

Welcome to Artwork by Jasmine.

Thank you for supporting my art journey and visiting the site! 

I hope you find something you love here!

Let me introduce myself...

My name is Jasmine Eastabrook 


I have been creating art for over 10 years now. It's safe to say that I have a passion for it!


Growing up, I struggled academically and in school found it difficult to thrive in subjects lacking creativity and this is where my real passion for art began. My down time before, after and during the school hours would consist of hours of freely creating pieces of art, I used my creativity as a form of escapism and any time I found myself with a paintbrush or pencil in hand, I was in my own little world just creating!


At the end of 2023, I took a HUGE risk, leaving my job, friends and family behind and purchased a one way ticket from the UK to the Sunshine Coast in Australia. As the saying goes… the bigger the risk, bigger the reward? Well, I am absolutely loving it here!! Since moving here it has opened my eyes into what I really want to pursue and if you haven't already guessed what that is... (It's art lol). 


At the moment I have decided to start a project surrounding the topic of self love and female empowerment. Throughout my teenage years up through my twenties I have found that I often catch myself comparing what by body looks like compared to the ones on my social media. I would pick apart any “imperfections” and “flaws” but the reality is... the female body is beautiful. With the beauty standards these days we often forget what “normal” and let’s not forget REAL bodies look like. The beauty of this is everyone's normal is unique to them. 


This project has been created to celebrate women and their bodies and to remind everyone that you are beautiful in your own way. 


This project is called 'I am H.E.R'


If you would like to follow my art journey please support my pages by giving them a follow. 

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